Hi, i'm Nix, and i made this blog for video games. i LOVE video games. if i were to choose 1 entertainment to do for the rest of my life, it would Video games.

Space invaders

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Hey guys, its me - Nix. Ive got some Pokemon White Or Black game videos i'm gonna upload soon, so be on the lookout! ill show you how to catch Kyurem.

 ill also show videos on how to Cobalion, Terrakion, And Virizion! 


  1. NIX:

    Ill Some time before Christmas. the vids are taken, just don't have much time lately!

    1. NIX:

      Before new years eve for sure!



Arcade Games
HOW TO PLAY space = shoot. left key right key = moveleft/right